
It’s 1919 in New York City, and Vaudeville is all the rage!

Impish impresario Keaton Abbott (Jason Hardwick) is polishing the planks of the Ferguson Theatre as his company of actors, magicians, jugglers, singers, showgirls, stage-hands and circus animals put the finishing touches on their latest variety spectacle.

DIE-NASTY plays every Monday at 7:30 at the Varscona Theatre
(10329 - 83 Avenue in Old Strathcona) from October 21, 2019, through May 25, 2020, except for December 23 and 30.

Tickets are $15 or $10 with a $40 membership
and are available at the door (cash only) or online at

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Episode 9 "Mum's the Word"

Well, the Pandemic is still with us,  but thank goodness the werewolves are gone!

We're almost at the end of the regular season, and getting ready for the summer replacement series.  We haven't announced the details yet, but we're all looking forward to our new setting.  Stay tuned!

Meanwhile, here's Episode 9 "Mum's the Word"

And, once again, the wonderful Janna Hove took screen captures to document our recording session.

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